Tuesday, May 17, 2011


It's been quite some time - sorry for that, I've been really busy.

Unfortunalely, since my last post, 2 of our gerbils left us :(. Sir Percival died in March and last week, our little Fiona died, too.
As neither Honza nor Muffline should stay alone, we tried to find new buddies for them. For Honza, we found an older buddy called Randy, but they're still not together as they don't seem to like each other very well. We're trying this once more, if they can't figure out who's gonna be the boss, Randy is probably gonna return to his former owners.
For Muffline we bought an 8 week old gerbilgirl yesterday, and they seem to be getting along quite well. Let's cross our fingers it stays this way.

So here's a video from their first contact yesterday.