Saturday, September 4, 2010

photoshooting I

Today I was in the right mood and some of the gerbils were awake, so I took a couple of pictures:

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

News from the gerbils

Wow, some time has passed since the last update. Here's what new:

Honza and Parzi get along very well

Unfortunately, Parzi got really ill at the beginning of June. We went to the vet with him several times, tried antibiotics an other stuff, but it didn't really improve his condition. At the moment, he seems to be better than
at the beginning of June, but of course he isn't really healthy either. I hope that he gets even better and can still enjoy his life with little Honza for some other months. He's really cute and very brave.

The girls, and especially Fiona, have a new hobby: Chewing paper tubes while hanging in them on their back.It's really fun to watch :)

Hamish and Duncan got a little lazy lately, I guess next time I clean them they won't get the labyrinth back. They love it so much that they hide and sleep in it all the time, which is kind of nice, but not the way it was supposed to be ;)

Obi and Krümel also like their little cave very much, but at least they show themselves a couple of times a day ;)

I will update some pictures later :) 

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Neues von den Gerbils

As I forgot that this blog was in english, I wrote everything in German. I'm far too lazy to translate all of it now, so today's post will be in German. Sorry. 

Friday, February 19, 2010


Here are a couple of new pics from Fiona and Muffline. They live together about 1 1/2 months now and seem to be very happy together. Made a couple of pics that are typical for them, especially the ones on the little house ;).

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Murphy and his new new buddy

After the "Vergesellschaftung" between Murphy and Agamemnon failed, we bought a new little gerbil for Murphy. The new one is probably about 8 weeks old, maybe a bit older and very cute. They only had a couple of minutes seperated through a grid before they got together (with little gerbils, that's usually not a big problem). So here is a video from there first minutes together, I started filming about a minute after they got toghether.